Full-Service Management of a Credentialing Program
If you want to get your existing credentialing program into compliance with accreditation standards, are thinking about going global, have hit a growth ceiling and need assistance breaking through, or simply want to reduce your overhead costs without sacrificing program quality and stakeholder service, we can take your program to the next level—and beyond. Our METACRED™ aCClaiM™ (Comprehensive Credential Management) solution delivers a world-class experience to the applicants, certificants, volunteer leaders, and other stakeholders engaged in your program.
Development of a New Credentialing Program
If your organization is ready to start a new certification, licensure, certificate, diploma, or accreditation program, we can help you do it the right way—ensuring that your program is valid, reputable, legally defensible, and successful by every measure. The METACRED™ RaD™ (Research and Development) solution will enable you to realize your strategic and financial goals.
Gap Analysis of an Existing Program
If you want to know everything about your credentialing program’s quality and value, but are afraid to ask–or just don’t know what questions to ask, we can help. We will analyze your program’s legal defensibility, compliance with accreditation standards, and lean efficiency.
Feasibility Study / Market Analysis for a New Program
If you think you have a great idea for a credentialing program, but you don’t know if it would be economically sustainable, we can be your crystal ball. We will research the business environment and your stakeholders’ needs–providing you with a feasibility study that includes a market analysis to help guide your decision whether to invest in developing a new program.
Continuing Education Approval Support
If you offer continuing education that is subject to third-party accreditation or approval (such as CME and CLE), we can manage the approval process for you, leveraging our expertise in standards compliance and freeing up your internal resources. The METACRED™ CE-PASS™ (Continuing Education Program Accreditation Support System) solution provides you with a CE program planning template, designed to be compliant with each target jurisdiction’s accreditation requirements; we complete and file the applications in each target jurisdiction, manage the approval process as determinations are received, and help you close any gaps identified by the accrediting bodies.
To learn more about how Metacred can help your organization advance its mission, please Request Information. If you are ready to move forward, want us to provide you with a comprehensive proposal tailored to your organization’s needs, and are prepared to invest about 25 minutes using our dynamic, user-friendly RFP tool, please Request Proposal.